A multi-dimensional evaluation of spleen deficiency modeling methods guided by the spleen-stomach theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine
摘要: 脾虚模型是开展中医脾胃学说研究的重要手段。苦寒泻下、饮食不节、劳倦过度、利血平和多因素造模脾虚模型是业界公认的脾虚模型经典方法。各个造模方法之间存在较大差异,缺乏模型之间的横向对比,根据实验目的选择造模方法往往存在困惑,因此,本研究拟从中医脾胃理论出发,从证候积分、脾的功能与特性(主运化、主统血、主思虑、主四肢肌肉)、“肝病实脾”与“四季脾旺不受邪”理论,涉及消化、免疫和代谢等系统,多维度评估脾虚造模方法,为脾虚证相关研究提供借鉴和指导。Abstract: Spleen-deficiency animal model is an important means to carry out the study of spleen-stomach theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The classical modeling methods of spleen deficiency, which are recognized in the industry, include the diarrhea of bitter and cold, improper diet, excessive labor, reserpine and the multi-factor. There are large differences between the various modeling methods, and there is a lack of horizontal comparison between those models, which is the reason why people often confuse to choose spleen-deficiency modeling methods based on different experimental purposes. Therefore, in this study, we propose to evaluate the spleen deficiency modeling methods from the point of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine spleen-stomach theory, the functions and characteristics of the spleen(transports and transform nutrients, controls blood, governs thinking, charges of the muscles), the theory of "treating liver by nourishing spleen" and "spleen is free from evil in all seasons", involving digestive, immune and metabolic systems, so as to provide reference and guidance for research related to spleen deficiency
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