
吴辰恒, 陈萌, 丛军, 等. 运用蔡淦教授阴火理论防治结直肠腺瘤“炎-癌”转化的临证思路[J]. 中国中西医结合消化杂志, 2024, 32(5): 408-411. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2024.05.07
引用本文: 吴辰恒, 陈萌, 丛军, 等. 运用蔡淦教授阴火理论防治结直肠腺瘤“炎-癌”转化的临证思路[J]. 中国中西医结合消化杂志, 2024, 32(5): 408-411. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2024.05.07
WU Chenheng, CHEN Meng, CONG Jun, et al. The clinical thinking of preventing and treating of 'inflammation-cancer' transformation of colorectal adenoma by applying Professor CAI Gan's Yin-fire theory[J]. Chin J Integr Tradit West Med Dig, 2024, 32(5): 408-411. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2024.05.07
Citation: WU Chenheng, CHEN Meng, CONG Jun, et al. The clinical thinking of preventing and treating of "inflammation-cancer" transformation of colorectal adenoma by applying Professor CAI Gan's Yin-fire theory[J]. Chin J Integr Tradit West Med Dig, 2024, 32(5): 408-411. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2024.05.07


  • 基金项目:

The clinical thinking of preventing and treating of "inflammation-cancer" transformation of colorectal adenoma by applying Professor CAI Gan's Yin-fire theory

More Information
  • 蔡淦教授认为阴火与结直肠腺瘤的炎症机制相应,阴火稽留成积致结直肠腺瘤“炎-癌”转化;在治疗过程中,“补脾胃”须贯彻始终,“泻阴火”是防治“炎-癌”转化的关键;临证取健脾化痰、活血散结、清热解毒之法,扶正祛邪,标本同治。
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