
肖梦丽, 赵迎盼, 应佳珂, 等. 基于功能性胃肠病的量表疗效评价研究进展[J]. 中国中西医结合消化杂志, 2021, 29(2): 154-160. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2021.02.16
引用本文: 肖梦丽, 赵迎盼, 应佳珂, 等. 基于功能性胃肠病的量表疗效评价研究进展[J]. 中国中西医结合消化杂志, 2021, 29(2): 154-160. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2021.02.16
XIAO Mengli, ZHAO Yingpan, YING Jiake, et al. Research progress of efficacy evaluation of scale based on functional gastrointestinal disorder[J]. Chin J Integr Tradit West Med Dig, 2021, 29(2): 154-160. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2021.02.16
Citation: XIAO Mengli, ZHAO Yingpan, YING Jiake, et al. Research progress of efficacy evaluation of scale based on functional gastrointestinal disorder[J]. Chin J Integr Tradit West Med Dig, 2021, 29(2): 154-160. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-038X.2021.02.16


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    通讯作者: 陆芳,E-mail:deerfang@126.com
  • 中图分类号: R573

Research progress of efficacy evaluation of scale based on functional gastrointestinal disorder

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